Every change in fortune brings a disquiet to the soul…

These past 2 years have certainly affected a lot of people and brought sudden change. Boethius talks about this in The Consolations of Philosophy. A book everyone should read during these times:

Every sudden change in fortune brings with it a certain disquiet in the soul, and this is what has caused you to lose your peace of mind.

Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy, Book II, Prose 1.

Try to be civil during these times. We are all facing extremely difficult circumstances. Some like myself, more than others. Keep a level head as Horace says, and remember, we are going to die someday, so be remembered as a civil person: Mementō morī; Remember that you are going to die….

Please visit the website, Civic Renaissance, for some discussions on how to be a civil person again: https://www.civic-renaissance.com

Fickle Fortune turns her wheel. Have hope things will get better.

Fortune says:

See Book II, Prose 2 to see her answer.

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